Hello again! Sorry for not writing sooner. Truthfully, I have been having trouble coming up with an interesting topic, madly studying for midterms, yes still, and also I am so close to finishing How I met Your Mother I have just been binge watching it as much as I possibly can. Whoops. It seems that I am never inspired to write unless it is past 8pm, but tonight what inspired me for whatever reason was the new Taylor Swift song, "Welcome to New York." If you have not yet listened to it, it is damn good and catchy, so you should get on that. I have been dancing to it for the past hour, just wait for it, that will be you too soon, don't worry...
Wanna hear a weird story?
Maybe it's just me, but I had something interesting happen to me the other day. This has happened to me before, but it does not happen often. When it happens, it is random, and with people I am not necessarily close to. For example, the other day I had to go in and talk to my English professor about a paper I wrote and I also needed to get some information about the class I had missed. Side note, my Professor is in her late 20's early 30's and is someone who really does care about her students outside of the classroom. As I sat down, she gave me a weird glance, but I ignored it and we started to talk about my paper. After she was done speaking, she gave me the same glance and looked at me with concern in her eyes. She said, "I've noticed you've been going home a lot, how have you been feeling?" (I have missed her class once to go home.) So, I do not really know why she said that, but as soon as she finished her sentence, I broke down. It was weird. I do not do that. Especially at a meeting with a professor! I explained to her that I haven't been happy and that I am disappointed because I really wanted it to work out. She consoled me and gave me some tips and told me that greater things were coming my way. It was definitely something I needed, which was great. To be honest, I have no clue why I am sharing this story because it is embarrassing, but hey, you gotta embrace it right? I have noticed this happens, but only with certain people. The person typically gives me a look that says "I'm genuinely concerned about you, are you okay?" and their tone of voice is full of concern. Like I said, I do not really know why this happens, but here is my guess. To have people who genuinely want to hear you spill your guts to them and who care and want to help you are hard to find and are very rare. Especially for some person who barely knows you to care that much is special. As much as this moment makes me cringe, looking back at it, it also makes me incredibly happy. I take it as a little sign from the universe saying "hey, even though it doesn't look like it, I am watching out for you, and everything is going to be okay." I am a definite believer in signs and that things happen for a reason. That moment was something I definitely have needed recently which is what makes it so cool. There is always something or someone looking out for you, even if you don't know exactly what it is. Don't forget that. If this has happened to you, email me and let me know! I would love to hear about it and know that I am not the only odd ball out there. ;)
1. Take a bath
Sounds stupid, but it works. I do it and it helps me relax and get into a better frame of mind.
2. Call someone
I was in a god awful mood tonight and I called my mom. I did not even really know why I was frustrated but when talking to her everything I was feeling that I could not put into words poured out of me. I can not even explain how but it just spewed out like a volcano without me even having to think about and it was the most freeing feeling. If you call someone you trust and are comfortable with you will either a. feel better by venting to them or b. if you have trouble putting into words why you are upset like me, then it will just come out eventually.
3. Listen to music
It will put you in a better mood and will relieve some of the stress and anxiety you may be feeling. Also, it gives you some time to think and relax. Who doesn't need that?
4. Write
It does not matter if it is a letter, or a blog, or a list, or whatever, writing is a form of release. It helps a lot, more than you think, and helps put your ideas into words and helps you understand what you're really thinking/ feeling. I highly recommend it! Hence, one of the reasons I write this blog.
And most importantly let it out somehow.
I have done this too many times without even knowing I am doing it. I keep my stress bottled up and sure enough I get sick because of it. Yes, physically sick, or I end up eventually exploding over something miniscule and stupid. Get your anger and frustration out. It's unhealthy to keep it bottled up and keeping it in will eventually create more harm than needed.
If you ever feel the need, I am always able to be reached by email!
Take care,
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