So, as I said in my first post I am a freshman in college. I just started on August 21st and to be honest it has been hard. I grew up in California and moving to a different state, knowing no one has been a weird transition. Of course when I was picking a school as a senior I wanted to go as far away as possible. But, after that phase passed and I started having fun my senior year followed with the best possible summer I could have wished for I do regret wanting to leave. As much as I do miss it I think I am learning a lot from being away from home and out of my comfort zone. With that said, I am going to be talking about how to pick a college and also what it is like to be a college student.
How do I know which school to choose?
For me in my senior year choosing a school was beyond stressful & I wish I would've had someone who knew what they were talking about to help me. Despite what most people think- the school you pick doesn't make or break whether you get a job. Don't stress!!! The things you should be thinking about when picking a school is...1. Can I afford this? 2. Does it have the major I want to pursue? 3. Do I feel like I could do well and fit in here? & 4. How far away do I want to be from home? When answering these questions be realistic. I understand what it's like having your dream school be right out of your reach because of how expensive it is. It may seem like the end of the world, because to me at one time it was, but I promise you it isn't. Your college experience will be what you make it. Like I said in my intro I wanted to go across the country but then I realized I wanted to stay closer to home. When making your decision on the location of where you want to go really think about how far you want to be away from family & friends. Personally, I like being close enough where I can go home if I'm having a rough weekend, or just want my mom to do my laundry and get a good home cooked meal, but that isn't for everyone. If you think you can live without being able to be close to home I say go for it. You're going to grow immensely and learn more about yourself than you ever thought whether or not you are 5 minutes from home or 16 hours.
What's it really like to be in college?
As I was leaving high school, all of my teachers kept telling me that teachers in college wouldn't care if you passed or failed, I heard that going into high school too and it was the biggest lie. So, I stopped listening to "advice" teachers would give me because time after time it wouldn't reign to be true, but I wish I would have. In college, most teachers truly couldn't care if you pass or fail, I say most because there always are the ones who still hand hold, but that happens mostly in small classes. Also, unlike high school, a majority of teachers do not take attendance, because frankly you are not their problem. They get paid regardless or not if you are there. If you don't show up that's on you. Go to class, seriously. I know its tempting but it's not worth 2 hours of sleeping in to fail an exam. Oh and another point, class sizes. Your classes in college will not be 30-40 students. You will be lucky if you get one that small- depending on which college you choose. Lucky for me my largest class is 130 kids but I have many friends who have 400 or 500 kids in 2 or more of their classes. Another tip Pay attention your senior year. Last year, my English teacher spent a whole semester talking about pop culture, how it affects us as a whole, and also individually. Now, sure enough, 3rd week of college I have to write a 5-7 page essay on what pop culture is and what it means to me. Lastly, enjoy high school. I'm not going to lie to you and say high school was the best years of my life but I had some moments I'll never forget. Go to football games, storm the field with your class, go to prom- even if you don't have a date who cares? Cherish it while it lasts. You will have 4 years to enjoy college, don't waste your time thinking about the future and live in the moment.
Thank you! If you would like to contact me please do :) my email is:
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