Monday, September 15, 2014

How to Keep Up Relationships

I thought I would start off my third post with a topic we can all relate to because we all have them, friends. Friends are confidants,  the family you choose, and some of the absolute most important people in a persons life. Though they bring bundles of happiness and joy to our lives, sometimes, friendships can bring you much sorrow and anger. Truthfully, I brought this topic up because recently being away from home and all of my friends, the subject has been on my mind fairly often. Everyone has their good and bad times with friends, but you know they're true when you get through those hardships together.
Maintaining Relationships
 With any relationship, whether it is romantic, a friendship, or with a family member, being away from someone who is important to you can put a big strain on a relationship. Here are some tips to help any relationship:
1. If you are having an argument, do not argue over text!
I have definitely had a few run ins with this one. It is not worth it to fight over text message. The reason is, because when arguing emotions are already high and words can get misconstrued over text. You can not hear the persons tone of voice, nor can you see their facial expressions, so things can be misunderstood. A lot of fighting starts over text, because things get taken farther than they need to, and jokes are taken too seriously. If you are in an argument with another person and can not figure it out face to face call them and figure it out that way.
2. Set up a time to talk
It seems so simple but this is why a number of friendships eventually fade- lack of communication. I understand, people get busy, and life happens, but instead of turning to the TV after dinner just take a couple of minutes and call your friend. Honestly, when my friends call me it makes my day because it just shows that they were thinking about you and wanted to check in. My mom had a friend who she would call every Saturday morning to catch up with and they would just talk about their week. It doesn't have to be long, but just remember friendships take effort. Do what you would want someone to do to you.
3. Communicate
For me, this has never really been a problem but I know its harder for some than others. Tell your friends and family how you feel about them. I am not saying to pour your heart out to each of your loved ones every time you seem them, but every once in a while it's nice to hear your loved and appreciated. A quick call, or a nice text telling the people you love how much you love them is necessary. You never know what the next day entails, so plan accordingly. The last thing you want is to never get a chance to tell someone how much they mean to you. Cheesy, but very true.
4. Face to face
Whether it is with skype, facetime, or in person plan to see the people you love! As my roommate just said, "If you don't see the person it feels like you are being catfished." She's a keeper- I know. Also, let your friends know that they are always welcome to come and visit you! You know they are, but they may not.  
With all of that said, there is one more thing to remember. Everything will be okay. Believe me, I know things can get rocky and can be hard, but love and hard work will always prevail.
Thank you! If you would like to contact me my email is:

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